Alignment Partners    Services - Development


We have designed a radically better leadership development programme called Heartfirst. It is built around foundations that are evidence based, extremely powerful and very effective. We have taken many years to develop Heartfirst and it is crafted on the collective wisdom and experience of our team. We are proud of the end product and believe it to be both unique and uniquely effective. Since these claims are large, we do not expect you to take them on trust. We have designed a one day programme that will allow your organization to experience Heartfirst and judge for yourself.


Our coaching programme is designed for leaders at every level who are seeking to become more effective. It is both proactive and reactive – helping leaders to deal with their current situation whilst systematically building their skills and developing them as leaders. The programme is built on monthly or bi-monthly meetings and a comprehensive skills-based action learning design. Our coaches are experienced, very warm and hard headed. They produce results.


Barry Posner’s research has shown conclusively that “personal values are the route to loyalty and commitment, not organizational values”. We have developed a programme for all staff based on this foundation – a foundation evidenced from many other sources. It is called Ethos. It is a personal effectiveness and growth program based on values which enables organizations and leaders to leave a lifelong legacy in the lives of their staff whilst growing organizational alignment, commitment and outcomes.


Understanding whether an individual is ready for the next role, the next assignment is crucial to having “the right people on the bus”. Deciding whom to bring in to the organization from the outside poses the same challenge. Sometimes, all the candidates look the same. We offer a highly professional assessment service which can be tailored to your needs and will add value to the methods already in use for both selection and promotion. Used systematically, our tools and systems will significantly improve predictivness and outcomes.

Who we are